Do you want to know what it is really like to be on a big adventure,
What we face on a daily basis? How much we ride,
what we do, where we get food and petrol?
Join us on YouTube, where we share all our highlights and lowlights.
what is adventurism?
Let me explain what the spirit of this YouTube channel is. I started this channel to document my solo adventure from the Netherlands to Indonesia, but now it has grown into so much more. I hope you enjoy watching it as much as I enjoy making these videos!
riding crazy places
It's great to explore places that are so out of the ordinary. For example: Tajikistan! Riding through the Wakhan valley felt like I was riding on the moon.
sharing insights and advice
With now some experience down our belt we share some tips, tricks or how to's with you so you can step up your game and become an adventure rider.